+33 2 40 72 93 82
Lateral protection

Punching wall

Reference : 08PW1415

Avoid any injuries to your horses caused by bumps in the stable by installing this made-to-measure wall protection.

The Punching Wall rolled wall protector is a soft rubber layer that acts as a shock absorber in the event of any bumps, thanks to its triangular studs. Its fabric reinforcement guarantees its stability and prevents any tearing over the long term.

A permanent solution for the safety of your animals

Our solutions

This Punching Wall covering can be installed anywhere that your horse may get hurt. Its thick rubber design dampens shocks and therefore reduces injury to your animals, as well as offering savings on veterinary expenses for farmers.

Ensure your horse's safety during journeys by placing this rubber coating on the inside walls of your van.

Product benefits
  • Non-deformable textile frame
  • Made-to-measure rubber roll.
  • Easy installation and maintenance.
Technical specifications

Thickness: 15 mm

Length: made to measure

Width: 1,400 mm

An innovative and made-to-measure solution

  • Innovative design.
  • Flexible, shock-absorbent rubber.
  • For stall or van, new or restored.

Shock-absorbent rubber roll for stables

BIORET CHEVAL - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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